Pyaar Reloaded is a 2014 Hindi action thriller film directed by Thiru and produced by UTV Motion Pictures. Co-produced by Vishal, the film stars himself in the leading role with Lakshmi Menon and Iniya in supporting roles, while G. V. Prakash Kumar composed the film’s music. The film deals with narcolepsy
Pyar Reloaded (2014) {Hindi+Tamil} Dual Audio HDRip
Movie Info
Language: Hindi
Quality: 480p, 720p, 1080p
Size: 470mb, 1gb, 2.3gb
Movie Resolution: N/A
Subtitle: English
Format: Mkv
Pyar Reloaded (2014) {Hindi+Tamil} Dual Audio HDRip
Size : 470mb, 1gb, 2.3gb
Resolution : N/A
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