This season of Heartbeats unfolds in a hospital, weaving love stories, drama, and intricate relationships. Sanjh, a wealthy ‘nepo kid,’ falls for Akshat, a determined intern with a heavy student loan, aiming to make his nurse mother proud. Rishi is smitten with Chetna, a senior doctor focused on a physical relationship. With captivating twists, this season keeps you hooked!
Heartbeats: Pyar Aur Armaan S1 (2024) Hindi Complete Web Series HDRip
Movie Info
Language: Hindi
Quality: 480p, 720p, 1080p
Size: 470mb, 1gb, 2.3gb
Movie Resolution: N/A
Subtitle: English
Format: Mkv
Heartbeats: Pyar Aur Armaan S1 (2024) Hindi Complete Web Series HDRip
Size : 470mb, 1gb, 2.3gb
Resolution : N/A
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